Anniversary Gifts

Celebrate your anniversary.

We believe jewellery is always a good way to add a little shine to your special occasion. It’s the perfect go-to gift for any holiday, birthday, anniversary or special event. So what piece fits what occasion? Take a look at the list of traditional and modern gifts below to help guide your anniversary purchases! If you need help finding just the right gift, visit us in store and we promise to find you the perfect gift to reflect your unique love.

 Anniversary Traditional  Modern
 1st Paper  Clocks
 2nd Cotton  China
 3rd Leather  Crystal/Glass
 4th  Fruit/Flowers  Appliances
 5th  Wood  Silverware
 6th  Candy/Iron  Wood
 7th  Wool/Copper  Desk Sets
 8th  Pottery/Bronze  Linens/Lace
 9th  Willow/Pottery  Leather
 10th  Tin/Aluminum  Diamond
 20th  China  Platinum
 25th  Silver  Silver
 30th  Pearl  Diamond
 35th  Coral  Jade
 40th  Ruby  Ruby
 45th  Sapphire  Sapphire
 50th  Gold  Gold
 60th  Diamond  Diamond