A Custom Creation: Cam and Shelby’s Story

Here at J.H. Young, we spend many hours creating custom rings for the most unique of situations. But sometimes you stumble on a perfect story, coupled with the perfect ring and it’s just too beautiful not to share.

Cam and Shelby started dating in February of 2003, he was 16 and Shelby was 17. Two weeks after they started dating, Shelby celebrated her 18th birthday. Because Cam was 16 at the time and couldn’t afford much, he decided to get Shelby a giant Toblerone chocolate bar as a birthday gift. Apparently, it was love at first ‘giant chocolate bar’ because Cam and Shelby continued to date for the next 14 years.

Over the course of their relationship, Cam continuously tried to get Shelby to go to Switzerland with him. But it seemed everyday life demands always managed to get in the way. They had just moved into a house, and then began the process of building another home. On top of everything, Shelby owned her own business making it even more difficult to get away.

Finally, when all of the stars aligned, Shelby said yes to a trip to Switzerland. Why had Cam been so insistent on Switzerland? It would be the place where he would propose to Shelby. Cam popped the question in Zermatt Switzerland in front of the Matterhorn.

The best part? It was the same mountain that is beautifully illustrated on the front of the Toblerone chocolate bar that Shelby had been gifted 14 years ago.

Custom Ring Proposal in Switzerland

On the top of a snowy mountain, Shelby was given a custom engagement ring designed by her husband Cam and created by Vanessa Young Assel right here at J.H. Young Jewellers.

Cam and Shelby got married on July 14th, 2018 with a vintage travel themed wedding and a custom ring to match.

Custom Engagement and Wedding Ring

Was your custom ring made here at J.H. Young? We’d love to hear your story. Don’t hesitate to contact us through any of our social channels and we would be honoured to share your story with our customers.

To learn more about custom jewellery and how we can bring your vision to life, click here or visit us in store.

J.H. Young Engagement RingJ.H. Young Engagement and Wedding Rings